Phil's birthday present this year was an extended weekend trip to Wellington. We landed on a sunny morning, walked around town exploring the tattoo museum, Te Papa and various second hand shops. We went to bed early to be prepared for a good Saturday night out in town.
We already heard of a good rock club and we were also lucky to get tickets for a small comedy show which was already sold out. She was English and surprisingly Kiwis seemed to accept her swearing on stage. To safe money we went back to our hostel to enjoy our homemade whiskey before hitting the town. Unfortunately not being in training anymore, Petra passed out after about 2 glasses and even worse was not up for much the day after.
Even our $5 breakfast placed was closed on Sunday! At least we were lucky to see Kakas at Karori Wildlife Sanctuary instead of Tuataras which were all hiding on such cold cloudy day.
Our last day in the capital we walked up to Sinclair Head where there is a male NZ Fur Seal colony between the months of May to August. having a delicious branch on the way back we got told by the waitress there had been not long ago an Orca sighting just 5 metres of the beach. By then Phil decided that's where he wants to live.........