Friday 23 February 2007


Major parts of Bolivia were flooded and we decided to do something different. We were planing to volunteer in an animal refugee for 2 weeks hoping the roads will be accessible again after that.

First of all there was no public transport available from Cochabamba to the East. Thinking it had something to do with the floods we hired a taxi for the 3 hours journey and the driver reassured us it would be no problem to get to Villa Tunari. Driving over fields avoiding police check points he still was convinced the problem was near Santa Cruz. We came to an end after 2,5 hours, a landslide and the whole road was gone for about 50m. Determent to get to the village we followed the locals climbing over trees and walking trough mud and electricity was catching on fire just a few meters above us. After 30 minutes we reached the other side, pleased to see a bus waiting already.

Villa Tunari is an experience for itself. If it wouldn't have been for the lovely cappuccino monkeys we worked with we would have quit after a few days. It is an awfully organised organisation and I hope we will only remember the funny episodes in our future.

Phil witnessed a monkey blow job on his first day with kisses blown at him. Petra's monkey feed her a corn which he just picked out of a pile of monkey poo. Talking about shit, Phil's jungle dump got eaten by a turtle and we all made sure not to get to close to them anymore.

There are many more stories but this isn't the space for essays. All in all we met some cool people and some wicket animals too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey guys :@)
hahahhahahhahahh! thats well funny, sounds like your having a great time! luv kay xxx