Friday, 18 January 2008


"You can bring into the show an unopened bottle of water"

There is a challenge for us. We nicely suringed our vodka in the bottom of a sealed water bottle and it worked perfectly fine.

We also exceeded the legal drinking age and could proudly show off with our wrist bands.

The headliner this year were Bjork and Rage Against the Machine. The sound in the big stadium was pretty aweful but the dance tent was great seeing Carl Cox and LCD Soundsystem.

We all had a jolly good day and as always far too much to drink.


KaJa said...

and again: this is so very much YOU! haha

The release show last Friday was wicked, lots of people and lots of gin tonic. unopened water bottles not allowed, though.

so long, K.

KaJa said...


this drinking-age-thing is the reason of the XXX-mania with those straight edge guys (ähem, Maik and his friends).
As far as I know, at all-ages-shows, under-21s got this X painted on their hands to show that they are not allowed to drink alcohol...

in case you wanted to know, ähem.

KaJa said...

reason for... I know

and I am not bored, haha

Anonymous said...

das ist mir immer noch zu english, da guck ich lieber weiter nur zu wie die letzten jahre.
grüße aus der heimat, willy

KaJa said...

hey willy, wie gehts so?
Katrin P.