Friday, 5 June 2009


Phnom Penh is the capitol of Cambodia and has two very diverse sightseeing to offer. There is the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda representing the wealth of king Sihamoni. Controversial there is S-21, security prison led by the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot between 1975 -1979.
We spent 4 hours in there learning about the inhumanity towards their own people, killing nearly 2 million with torture, starvation and diseases. Only a few years ago they started prosecuting some of the main leaders and still there are so many open questions about the meaning of Cambodia’s darkest years.

There is an interesting but also very sad book called “First they killed my father”. It’s a heartbreaking story and gives a better understanding how people suffered and how they just managed to simply survive.

For more photos please click here.

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